Why should the world be void of love?
If I look at you, why are you angry?
If I smile to you, why are you angry?
If I say hi, why are you angry?
If I touch you, why are you angry?
If I don't look at you, why are you angry?
If I don't smile to you, why are you angry?
If I don't say hi, why are you angry?
If I don't touch you, why are you angry?
I only wish to love you
but I don't know how to.
Please open your heart
and let me see in your soul.
Let me touch it softly and gently,
let me fulfill all your longings
and wipe away your anger.
You opened your heart once
when you said 'I despise you'.
Thank you for letting me see in your soul
but why should the world be void of love?
I can still love you by staying away.
My world is not void of love.
I love you as you wish
and I am happy to do so.