Healing Eagle

Suomeksi - in Finnish
These pages are dedicated to adult children of alcoholics,
to everyone in recovery, saying goodbye to grief and welcome to joy,
and with love to every painful heart searching for peace and rest.

Out of Pain Book of Healing
People on My Bus Wisdom of the Shadows; becoming a whole person
A Little Further Beyond the last lit lamppost; along the ways of love
Being Who Is The I; rest and unconditional love in self
Little Things Along the road; stories of everyday life

Facing Self facing reality I watched the eagles in the sky
how they soared in the heights
how they ridiculed the earth.

In my dreams I swept with them
forgetting that I was a wounded eagle
whose heart resided in the sky.

My wounds have healed:
I am the one soaring high
and my heart is free.

Wounds of Love love is good - or is it?
Serenity towards healing
Soultrips towards healing
Awareness finding inner peace
Flying Free inner peace and power
Numbers poems of strength
Song of Life Voice of a Crow

Other Voices
Words of Wisdom     Quotations & Songs
Online Reading Links to recovery & healing sites            
Daily word
Links People, Books, Music, HTML, etc...
Visions of Hearts Written by friends
Gifts Given to me...
All texts, except in collection 'Words of Wisdom', are copyrighted by Healing Eagle. You are free to use them on the web, on the condition that you provide a link to this site. No other use allowed without permission. Thanks for your feedback and … let's meet in the air. © 2001-2007